Sea of People: Rally and March to Note Potential Future Manhattan Coastline

Volunteers will form a "Sea of People," as part of a rally and march that will demarcate the projected eastern and western 10-foot waterlines that may one day redefine lower Manhattan under the ten-foot sea level rise scenario. This is part of the national Step It Up 2007 campaign to raise awareness of climate change.


Rally at DA’s Office Postponed

The families organizing the demonstration at the Manhattan DA’s office, which was planned for Monday morning, are postponing the event due to the snowstorm hitting the city. The rally is tentatively re-scheduled for next Monday, March 9. We’ll let you know when the date has been finalized.

Rally for a Livable Houston Street

(Photo by Will Sherman of Transportation Alternatives) As promised, members of Manhattan Community Board 2 and Transportation Alternatives held a rally yesterday where many elected officials spoke of the need for improved bicycling and pedestrian facilities on the Interstate Highway in our midst, Houston Street. Eighty years ago, Houston Street was a narrow street not much wider than Prince or Bleecker Streets […]
Citi Bikes aren't performing that well. Photo: Adrian Nutter/Flickr

This Week: Rally for a Bike-Share System Big Enough for NYC

In just a few months, Transportation Alternatives volunteers have collected more than 5,000 signatures from residents outside Manhattan calling for bike-share in their neighborhoods. On Wednesday, they'll rally with council members on the steps of City Hall for a system that can meet New York City's huge demand for bike-share.

Rally for Houston Street Buffered Bike Lanes

If you’ve seen those eerie white "ghost bikes" on Houston Street, you may know that three cyclists have been killed on "the Boulevard of Death" during the past two years: Derek Lake, Brandie Bailey and Andrew Morgan. In the wake of this loss of life, members of Community Board 2’s Traffic & Transportation Committee are holding a rally on Wednesday […]