Livable Streets Discussion and Happy Hour

Cities worldwide are embracing new ideas about mass transit, congestion pricing, parking, public squares, mixed used development, and more, yet New York City’s transportation policies often seem as though they are stuck in the 1960s. But the sustainable transportation movement in New York City is alive in Streetsblog, StreetFilms, Transportation Alternatives, the Municipal Art Society, Project for Public Spaces, and other organizations along with many individual blogs and community groups.

Meet and mingle with other readers, activists, and supporters of a livable approach to transportation, development, and public spaces. Get to know the others who share your values about the kind of city we want to live in. Put faces behind the screen names online. And have a drink!

 At 7 o’clock, leaders from a few organizations will introduce themselves and say a few brief words about their current activities:


A Livable Streets Discussion and Happy Hour

Meet and mingle with other readers, activists, and supporters of a livable approach to transportation, development, and public spaces. Get to know the others who share your values about the kind of city we want to live in. Put faces behind the screen names online. And have a drink! A Livable Streets Discussion and Happy […]

This Week in Livable Streets Events

Chances to have your say on ferry service and the changes on Broadway, and an opportunity to bid farewell to the John Liu era of the City Council Transportation Committee. Also, you can ride around the world without ever leaving Queens. Monday: The City Council is holding a public forum on citywide ferry service. Members […]

Streetfilms: Street Star Christine Berthet

Today, StreetFilms debuts Street Stars, the first of many planned vignettes for 2008 which will focus on the amazing organizers in our communities who are fighting constructively for livable streets. Hopefully, these Stars will provide a road map for change and inspire others to work to transform their neighborhoods. Their first choice is Christine Berthet, […]

Is Barack Obama the Livable Streets Candidate?

Barack Obama is a long-time cyclist (Photo: Chicago Tribune) The current crop of Presidential candidates are busy debating the energy crisis, national security, climate change, health care, all of which potentially pose a serious threat to America’s future. We can begin to address all of these issues simultaneously by transforming our cities into more sustainable […]

Rep. Earl Blumenauer: Announcing the Livable Communities Task Force

Editor’s note: Today we have a guest post from Democratic Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who has represented Oregon’s 3rd Congressional District since 1996. He is the lead sponsor of the House’s "CLEAN TEA" climate legislation and founded the Congressional Bicycle Caucus. Rep. Earl Blumenauer. Photo: With much excitement, today we are launching the Livable Communities […]

Agenda 21 Alert: Glenn Beck’s Words to Watch

Sure, we know the movement for “sustainable” transportation and development is a front for Agenda 21, a.k.a. The UN Plot to End Private Property in the United States. But what to do? As with any battle, the first step is identifying the enemy. Fortunately (and none too soon), Glenn Beck has published a “comprehensive list […]