Why Is DOT Reorganizing Park Slope Traffic? Because.

Last Wednesday we learned about the Department of Transportation’s plan for a major reorganization of traffic flow through Park Slope, Brooklyn. In Streetsblog’s comments section, Andy Wiley-Schwartz of Project for Public Spaces asked: What problems are DOT’s traffic engineers trying to solve with this particular set of solutions? Or, to put it another way: What triggered this initiative? Why now? I put the question to DOT and here is what the press office came back with:

"This idea has been considered for years and since Sixth Avenue was repaved last year and we have not yet installed permanent markings, this seems like a good time to make these changes."


New Yorkers Gather in Park Slope to Talk Street Safety

Park Slope resident David Alquist sent us a summary of last night’s traffic safety meeting. Here are his notes, edited for style and clarity. Approximately 30 people gathered at Congregation Beth Elohim for a meeting to address community street safety in Park Slope. The meeting was convened by Daniel Hurewitz, a Park Slope parent who […]

Petition: Tell DOT to Reverse the Curse on Brooklyn Speedways

How fast do cars travel on Prospect Park West? Criminally fast. All the time. Members of Park Slope Neighbors clocked cars routinely exceeding the 30 mph speed limit — including one sociopath racing at 65 mph — during a ten-minute stretch earlier this month. Prospect Park West and Eighth Avenue form a one-way pair funneling […]

Commissioner Weinshall Agrees: Two-Way Streets Calm Traffic

While Michael Primeggia, DOT’s Deputy Commissioner for Traffic Operations is trying to sell one-way mini-highways through Park Slope as a pedestrian safety improvement, his boss, DOT Commissioner Iris Weinshall, is hawking the exact opposite. On Thursday, March 1, at the City Council Transportation Committee oversight hearing on the Mayor’s Long-Term Planning initiative, Weinshall touted two-way […]