Mass Movement on Two Wheels

Chris Carlsson, one of the original founders of the Critical Mass bicycling movement, writes, "a funny thing happened during the last decade of the 20th century. Paralleling events that transpired a century earlier, a social movement emerged based on the bicycle."

Heck, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Carlsson’s article appeared in an academic journal called Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture & Action (PDF). It’s good stuff but not the lightest reading.

This curious, multifaceted phenomenon constitutes an important arena of autonomous politics. The bicycle has become a cultural signifier that begins to unite people across economic and racial strata. It signals a sensibility that stands against oil wars and the environmental devastation wrought by the oil and chemical industries, the urban decay imposed by cars and highways, the endless monocultural sprawl spreading outward into exurban zones. This new bicycling subculture stands for localism, a more human pace, more face-to-face interaction, hands-on technological self-sufficiency, reuse and recycling, and a healthy urban environment that is friendly to self-propulsion, pleasant smells and sights, and human conviviality.

Photo: Famewhore/Flickr


Brooklyn Critical Mass

Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, (Prospect Park, North) and Bklyn End of Williamsburg Bridge Critical Mass Brooklyn Critical Mass is a monthly celebration of bicycles and other nonpolluting means of transportation, exercising our right to the road. Critical Mass is a movement, not an organization; no two riders participate for exactly the same reason. Brooklyn Critical […]

Critical Mass Brooklyn

Friday, August 11, 2006, 7 pm Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, (Prospect Park, North) and Bklyn End of Williamsburg BridgeCritical Mass Brooklyn Critical Mass is a monthly celebration of bicycles and other nonpolluting means of transportation, exercising our right to the road. Critical Mass is a movement, not an organization; no two riders participate for exactly […]

NYPD Has Spent $1.32M to Suppress a Monthly Bike Ride

Charles Komanoff, flanked by Marquez Claxton and Norman Siegel, at City Hall this morning. Time’s Up took its campaign for safe bicycling into the economic arena this morning with release of a report documenting the Bloomberg administration’s squandering of New Yorkers’ tax dollars in suppressing the Critical Mass bike rides. With the City Hall steps […]

Records From Critical Mass Court Case Spell Out NYPD Overkill

David Goodman at the Times’ City Room blog has an excellent piece up this afternoon about the resources NYPD spent to police Critical Mass bike rides in the two-year wake of the 2004 Republican National Convention. A federal lawsuit stemming from those police actions reached its conclusion this week, with the city paying out nearly […]

Critical Mass: Brooklyn

Friday, July 14, 7 pm Critical Mass: Brooklyn Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn Brooklyn side of the Williamsburg Bridge Miss Lee wrote: This ride which will turn two in August is becoming more and more popular every month. We were over 100 in BK last month! It starts on the second Friday at 7 pm at Grand Army Plaza. The […]