The Best Laid Plans: Planning New York’s Future from Moses to Bloomberg

Robert Moses masterfully knit together his vision for New York and its surroundings but resisted the development of a formal master plan for the city’s future. The discussion will consider the role of planning in the city in Moses’s time and today in light of Mayor Bloomberg’s recent announcement of the city’s first comprehensive sustainability action plan for long-term growth and developoment. Panelists include

  • Rohit T. Aggarwala, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Long Term Planning and Sustainability
  • Robert Fishman, Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan
  • Sandy Hornick, Director of Strategic Planning, New York City Department of City Planning
  • Ron Shiffman, Professor of Urban Planning, Pratt Institute

Robert Yaro, President of the Regional Planning Association, will moderate the discussion.


Breaking: Bloomberg to Announce Big Sustainability Plan Today

In California With Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger We knew that a major policy announcement on long-term planning and environmental sustainability was imminent when we heard last week that Mayor Bloomberg had asked City Council to push back their sustainability hearing from September 18th to the 26th. A New York City Mayor likes nothing less than City Council trumping him on […]

Bloomberg Sustainability Announcement

As we reported this morning, Mayor Bloomberg is in California with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to make a major policy announcement on a major, long-term, environmental sustainability initiative. The key components of the Mayor’s plan include: The creation of the Office of Long-term Planning and Sustainability. The undertaking of a major greenhouse gas inventory for City […]

Forum: Advocacy Planning: Past, Present and Future

A forum about the evolution of advocacy based planning and inauguration of the Hunter College Center for Community Planning & Development. Presenters: Tom Angotti, CCPD Director, Professor of Urban Planning, Hunter College Marie Kennedy, Professor Emerita of Community Planning, UMass/Boston Romel Pascual, Associate Director for Environment, Office of Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Los Angeles With […]

Advocates on Both Coasts Call Bragdon a Smart Choice to Lead PlaNYC

David Bragdon, the new head of New York City’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, announcing a set of regional trails in the Portland area. Photo: BikePortland/Flickr In appointing David Bragdon, the president of the Portland-area Metro Council, to run the Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability, Mayor Bloomberg turned to an established elected figure […]