Eyes on the Street: Bike Traffic on Eighth = Rolling Goldmine


Thanks to BicyclesOnly for posting this shot from yesterday morning’s commute to the Streetsblog Flickr pool. By my count, we’ve got six people riding bikes here on a one-and-a-half block stretch of the Eighth Avenue protected path, with two or three others farther back, in the shade. As far as I can tell, everyone is riding in the right direction. If I was an Eighth Avenue merchant, I’d start agitating for more bike parking in front of my store.

More recent highlights from the Flickr pool (tag photos with "streetsblog" to contribute) after the jump.


Also from BicyclesOnly: The Lafayette Street bike lane on Tuesday morning.


From darkpilot: The corner of Fourth Avenue and 9th Street in Brooklyn is getting a bigger sidewalk. This is one among dozens of intersections targeted for pedestrian improvements in the Downtown Brooklyn Traffic Calming Project.


Eighth Avenue Protected Bike Lane Slated for 11-Block Extension

The Eighth Avenue protected bike lane is up for an 11-block extension from 23rd Street to 34th Street. Photo: BicyclesOnly/Flickr A reader sent along this item spied on the DOT events calendar for next week. On Wednesday the 16th, at Manhattan Community Board 4… DOT will present a proposal to extend the Eighth Avenue Bike […]

Eyes on the Street: Upper Manhattan Gets First Taste of Protected Cycling

DOT’s planned safety improvements for the intersection of St. Nicholas and Amsterdam Avenues are currently being installed, as shown in pictures snapped by Streetsblog reader BicyclesOnly. Major features include shorter crosswalks, additional pedestrian space, and Upper Manhattan’s first segment of physically-protected bike lane. Up to now, the intersection has been a dangerous one. According to a […]

Eyes on the Street: Livable Streets a Mile High

A little end-of-day action from the Streetsblog Flickr pool, courtesy of BeyondDC: Here’s Denver’s 16th Street Shuttle, also called the MallRide. Check out those three low-floor doors for easy-on, easy-off boarding and alighting. The MallRide travels up and down a mile-long pedestrian mall — the only vehicle allowed there — arriving every 90 seconds. It’s […]

Eyes on the Street: Bike-Ped Improvements on 6 1/2 and Eighth Avenues

Safer streets are taking shape in Midtown, with work underway to create new paths through the heart of the city for pedestrians and cyclists alike. Crosswalks and street signs are in place for one of the Department of Transportation’s most original projects, a pedestrian thoroughfare designated as 6 1/2 Avenue. Thanks to a 1980s zoning provision, a […]

DOT Replaces a Block of the Fifth Avenue Bike Lane With Sharrows

DOT’s recent design tweaks to Eighth Street have come with an unwelcome change on Fifth Avenue. As the Fifth Avenue bike lane approaches Eighth Street, it now morphs into sharrows that overlap with a turning lane for motorists. The dedicated space for cycling is gone, and the new design is incompatible with the protected bike lane that advocates and […]