Discussion: OpeNYC

Mayor Bloomberg has announced PlaNYC, a planning process for looking at New York’s next 25 years. If trends continue, the city may add almost one million new residents by the year 2030. The city is preparing a strategic plan to define how to deal with the implications of such dramatic growth.

New York New Visions, broadening the scope of its work beyond the World Trade Center reconstruction, will host a discussion: "OpeNYC Where will people live and work? Can they easily get around? Where will they relax and play?"



How France Makes High-Speed Rail Stations Meld With Cities

As France develops its high-speed rail network, the areas around stations are treated not just as transportation initiatives but as city-building projects. This discussion centers on how public agencies plan high-speed rail station areas in France, integration of the stations into districts as a whole, and the importance of a comprehensive vision for integrating transportation and land use in the station district.