Transportation Alternatives Forum: How to Get a Spot on a Community Board

Please join Transportation Alternatives for a great presentation about the ins and outs of Community Boards in NYC and how to get appointed to one near you. Community boards are a great way to make a difference and make your neighborhood a better place for walking and biking.

Co-sponsored by: Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, Transportation Alternatives, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, NYPIRG’s Straphangers Campaign, Tri-State Transportation Campaign, Citizens for NYC

Featuring Presentations by:

If you’re tired of traffic and sick of smog, do something about it. There are 59 Community Boards around the City, 12 in Manhattan alone, with 600 seats. The boards are "charged with representing community interests on crucial issues of development and planning, land use, zoning and service delivery." Their seats can be filled by anyone with "residential, business, professional or other significant interest the community." In other words, people like you.

Join Transportation Alternatives and the Manhattan Borough President’s Office for a fun and informative presentation on what Community Boards are and how to get appointed to one. Plus, find out more about how local political action can form the building blocks for national movements.

While this presentation is geared towards Manhattan, much of the information will be relevant to community boards in the other four boroughs as well.

Applications for Community Board seats will be available at this event or download an application right now. If you would like to apply on the night of the event please bring a copy of your resume to submit with the application.


Looking to Join Your Community Board? TA Makes It Easy to Apply

As Streetsblog readers know, too many community boards care more about on-street parking than street safety or housing affordability, even in districts where the majority of residents don’t own cars. DOT rarely implements safety measures over board objections (which Council Member Ritchie Torres would like to change). While a small number of boards are asking DOT to be more bold with street […]

This Week: Vision Zero, Ped Safety on Park Ave and 155th Street

Heading into Memorial Day weekend, the Streetsblog calendar shows no signs of letting up, with Vision Zero events in the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens; a presentation of the Move NY fair toll plan in western Queens; and traffic calming proposals from DOT in Brooklyn and Manhattan. For the full complement of events, check the Streetsblog calendar. Here […]