A Round and a Roundy: How DOT Spends its Limited Resources

Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Cartoon: Bill Roundy
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It’s our December donation drive. Your gift helps us do cartoons and other features. So please click this link or the icon above.

This week’s cartoon was inspired by Dave Colon’s recent story about the Department of Transportation’s “Streets Master Plan.” It’s a great plan — it calls for lots and lots of bike and bus lanes, plus other traffic calming.

There’s only one catch — the DOT can’t afford to implement it!

But it’s not only the DOT that has short arms and deep pockets. Last week, we also learned that the Parks Department can’t seem to come up with the money to fix the root-riven bike lane on Ocean Parkway, which has been dangerous for a decade.

Why doesn’t the city have the resources to do the job right? Our national treasure cartoonist has one theory: the resources are being wasted.

We hope you like this week’s news graphic. Check out all of Bill Roundy’s cartoonitorials here. And join our donation drive!


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