Tuesday’s Headlines: Adams Takes Control Edition

Future Mayor Eric Adams and Joe Biden and a bunch of other people. Photo: White House
Future Mayor Eric Adams and Joe Biden and a bunch of other people. Photo: White House

On Monday, while Mayor de Blasio was discussing declining morale at the Department of Corrections and overhyping a new Restaurant Week promotion as part of his “Summer of NYC” pitch, the real mayor of the city, Eric Adams, was meeting with President Biden to talk about policing.

Municipal officials from around the nation were on hand as Biden urged them to hire more cops (um, wut?), but Adams demurred, saying he’d wait and see if we need to hire more officers, or just learn how to better use the multitudes we have (NYDN, NY Post, Gothamist). Adams also pitched Biden on more dyslexia screening. (Daily Mail)

Meanwhile, the much-vaunted New York City press corps couldn’t help but notice that the actual mayor of New York City wasn’t at the table.

“I’m curious, why didn’t you go and were you invited?” asked straight-to-the-point Emma Fitzsimmons of the Times.

“I think the White House put together a group of people that they wanted to talk to about this issue. And I think it makes sense that Eric brings a particular perspective from 20-plus years as a police officer. So, I think it’s great that he is there, and I want them to listen to his voice. I think he has an amazing perspective on the things we need to do going forward.”

Julia Marsh of the Post followed up, and the mayor tried again.

“He – look, he’s someone who spent over 20 years as a police officer and he has, I think, some great ideas about how to protect people while continuing reform,” Hizzoner said. “I think it’s great that they want to hear his ideas. He’s the Borough President of Brooklyn, you know, one of the biggest counties in the whole country. Of course, it makes sense for him to be there.”

Reminder: Brooklyn is a big county, but it’s only a piece of New York City.

In other news:

  • There really was no other news, so we will excoriate — for a second day! — our friends in the media for not following our two days of scoops on the NYPD’s involvement in the hit-and-run death of delivery cyclist Borkot Ullah last week. First, we posted exclusive video that showed Ullah’s killer was himself being chased by cops in an unmarked squad car. And on Monday afternoon, we reported that state Attorney General Letitia James’s office had taken over the case because it is a police-involved death. And then late on Monday, we reported on new video that shows clearly the police involvement. Come on, mainstream media, this is an important story about a hard-working immigrant who was killed partly because of police conduct. It needs a thorough investigation!
  • Larry Penner thinks the feds deserve more credit for the MTA’s new subway cars. (This Island Now)
  • And, finally, we leave you with a little of that special Second Avenue Sagas sauce: