A Round and a Roundy: The Upper West Side is Pissing on NYC Heroes

Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Cartoon: Bill Roundy

OK, now the fauxgressives of the Upper West Side have really pissed off our cartoonist.

National treasure Bill Roundy was somehow able to hold it in when Manhattan Community Board 7 tabled a completely reasonable resolution to ask restaurateurs to allow delivery workers to use their bathrooms when the workers arrive to pick up a takeout order.

But when the board agreed to finally hear the issue — but not invite the workers to testify — that’s when Roundy smelled something awful.

His number one mission? Calling out this mistreatment of workers for what it is: number two.

The good news? You can watch the hearing tonight at 6 p.m. simply by registering here.

All of Bill Roundy’s weekly cartoons are archived here.