A Round and a Roundy: De Blasio’s Displaced Dread

Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Cartoon: Bill Roundy
Editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.
Editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy by editorial cartoonist Bill Roundy.

Like most of our readers, our editorial cartoonist couldn’t help but scream at his radio when Mayor de Blasio recently said that Revel scooters — a “new technology” — needed to be put out of business because of a few crashes.

“What about the ‘old technology’ of cars, Bill!” he no doubt yelled, as we all did.

Of course, Streetsblog went further, sending the following question to the City Hall press team:

Mr. Mayor, as you know, car drivers have killed 95 people since January — roughly 14 people every month — and have injured nearly 16,000 people over the same seven-month period. So how can you demand that Revel cease operations, yet not make the same demand on users of Fords, Chevys, Chryslers and Teslas who are killing and maiming themslves and others in such horrifying numbers?

Follow up: What will you do to get cars off our streets this week, since cars have killed far more than Revel?

We haven’t gotten an answer yet. So we’re offering this week’s cartoon to visually demonstrate our frustration with a mayor who clearly only sees street safety issues from behind a car windshield.

All of Bill Roundy’s cartoons are archived here.