Thursday’s Headlines: What’s on the Menu, Mayor?

People are enjoying outdoor dining (well, they have no choice), so Mayor de Blasio will make it a permanent summer fixture. File photo: Gersh Kuntzman
People are enjoying outdoor dining (well, they have no choice), so Mayor de Blasio will make it a permanent summer fixture. File photo: Gersh Kuntzman

One of the big stories yesterday was the mayor’s probably wise decision to suspend the return of indoor dining on July 6.

As such, pretty much everyone covered it. The Daily News mentioned that the mayor hasn’t announced an expansion of his already planned open restaurant initiative (the mayor’s lack of a Plan B was our entire angle!). The Post, of course, played up the feud between Big Dog Excelsior Car Guy and the mayor. The Times, being the Times, put the decision in the larger context of what is going on nationally. The Wall Street Journal added color.

In other news: