Monday’s Headlines: He The Subway Fare is Risen Edition

Photo: Gersh Kuntzman
Photo: Gersh Kuntzman

The Bible tells us that Christ rose on Easter — but this year, so did the subway fare. Starting yesterday, the weekly all-you-can-eat MetroCard rose from $32 to $33, and a 30-day unlimited rose from $121 to $127. The base fare remains $2.75. (NY Post, amNY) Here’s a link in case you qualify but haven’t yet applied for the Fair Fares program. The fare hike couldn’t have come at a better time: on Friday, the MTA begins its dreaded nights-and-weekends repair of the L train. (Wall Street Journal)

Here’s the rest of the weekend’s news:

  • Those Citi Bike e-bike lawsuits have only just begun. (NYDN)
  • A woman was dragged to her death by a train in Union Square on Saturday. (WSJ)
  • Jose Martinez wrote up the long saga of a single elevator. (The City)
  • Did you catch Emma Fitzsimmons’s long analysis in the Times of frenemies Andrew Cuomo and Andy Byford? It’s a must read — if only for the part where Cuomo’s spokeswoman accuses the Times of gutter tabloid instincts. (Good for the Times!). The Post offered its own version.
  • The DOT is about to improve Northern Boulevard with concrete pedestrian refuges. This is a big deal for a roadway Streetsblog dubbed “The New Boulevard of Death.” (Jackson Heights Post)
  • Residents of Morris Park are still making specious complaints about — and News12 is still misreporting those specious complaints about — the city’s upcoming life-saving road diet for Morris Park Avenue.
  • Mayor de Blasio will be in Queens at 12:30 today talking about New York’s “Green New Deal,” a City Council bill that would cut emissions from buildings (you get a break, cars). CBS News’s Jason Silverstein had the nifty Trump angle.
  • And, finally, the best weekend read: George Monbiot in The Guardian reminding us that cars are literally killing us. “Let’s abandon this disastrous experiment,” he writes.


Why Jose Rides

Jose is a computer science student at CUNY. He recently bought an annual membership to Citi Bike. “I live near Brooklyn College, so I take the subway into Manhattan. I also have a job at NYU, so I take a bike between school and work. On my way home, sometimes I ride a Citi Bike […]

The Boom in Subway Ridership Is Waning. Why?

Transit officials recently reported that 1,763,000,000 subway trips were taken last year, the most since 1948. But the rise in ridership was meager, with only 12 million more trips in 2015 than in 2014. The percentage growth rate was seven-tenths of one percent. Over the same year, employment in New York City rose three times […]

4 Reasons a $2.5 Billion Brooklyn-Queens Streetcar Doesn’t Add Up

Later today, Mayor de Blasio is going to deliver his State of the City speech, and one centerpiece is expected to be a new streetcar running from Sunset Park to Astoria along the Brooklyn-Queens waterfront. It’s an idea that’s surfaced repeatedly in one form or another as developers have transformed sections of the waterfront into new residential neighborhoods. As alluring […]