Today’s Headlines
- Huge: DOT to Make Room for Biking on Harlem River Bridges and Surrounding Streets (NYT)
- Mayor of New York City: Let’s Not Disrupt 14th Street With Buses 24/7 (News)
- It’s Too Bad 14th Isn’t an Inlet, Canal, or Fjord (NYT, News, Post)
- Johnson: Ferry Funds Better Spent on Helping People Afford MetroCards (WNYC)
- Driver Kills Olympia David-Ocvi, 85, on West End Ave. — NYPD Blames Victim (News, Rag)
- This Sanitation Salvage Driver Has Killed 2 People in the Last 6 Months (News)
- More on Arrest of Dorothy Bruns: NYT; Voice; BK Paper; News 1, 2
- Father of Giovanni Ampuero Wants Traffic Calming on Northern Boulevard (SunPo)
- Van Bramer Leads Protest Over Unending 7 Train Work (News, NY1); Related: Voice
- City Says Sunnyside Yard Planning Will Begin Soon (Curbed, QTrib, SunPo)
- Parking Lots Near Yankee Stadium to Be Replaced by Housing + Parking (TRD)
- NYT: NYC Bike Lanes Are for Tourists, Hipsters, and Criminals on E-Bikes
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