Streetfilms Recut: Jan Gehl’s 2005 Times Square Interview With 2018 Plaza Footage

I still get tense, agitated, and claustrophobic any time I look back at old footage of Times Square. Before DOT turned several blocks of Broadway into pedestrian plazas in 2009, it was flat-out horrible for people.

But last week I happened to pass by Times Square and its car-free spaces, and you’d never now how awful it used to be.

I realized I was standing in the same spot where Streetsblog and Streetfilms publisher Mark Gorton interviewed public space maestro Jan Gehl about the state of Times Square 12 years ago, before the redesign. I thought it might be interesting to recut the Streetfilm of that interview, using new footage to go with Gehl’s future-looking language.

The result is pretty awesome.

We often forget how streets used to feel and function. In New York, we still have a long way to go, but many amazing improvements have been made. When you look at Times Square and how much negative press the plazas received when they were implemented, then revisit it now and see how well it works, you realize anything is possible. We just need the will to do this everywhere we can.


Streetfilms: A Streetside Chat With Jan Gehl

In November 2006, Danish planner Jan Gehl met Streetsblog Publisher Mark Gorton in Times Square to reflect on the state of the city’s public spaces. In this Streetfilm by Clarence Eckerson, EIC Aaron Naparstek catches up with Gehl in the new Madison Square to talk about what has changed in the intervening two years, and […]

Times Square Flashback: Revisit the Bad Old Days With Streetfilms

New Yorkers might have forgotten just how bad the bad old days were in Times Square. Gridlock blocked crosswalks. Pedestrians were relegated to crush levels on the sidewalks. It wasn’t a pleasant place to be. Relive the nightmare with this Streetfilm from 2006, in which Streetsblog publisher Mark Gorton interviews Danish architect and public space expert […]

Melbourne, Australia After a Decade of Focus on Public Spaces

With apologies for my carbon footprint, I recently returned from a working tour of eight cities Down Under. The trip included an invitation to Melbourne to work with the staff of the city’s successful new public space development, Federation Square, and to help lead a Placemaking training course that included many city staff, local developers […]

DOT Launches Gehl Street Survey Project

The New York City Department of Transportation has retained Danish urbanist Jan Gehl’s firm to evaluate city streets and other public spaces. Streetsblog first reported this development as a possibility back in June, when we interviewed Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan. Not long after, we got word that Gehl had been hired by the city as a […]

The 12 Most Influential Streetfilms of All Time: Number 11

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all-time, as determined by the impresario himself, Clarence Eckerson Jr. This week: Streetsblog publisher Mark Gorton sits down with Enrique Peñalosa, then-former and current mayor of Bogota. Mark […]

Jan Gehl: Gridlocked Streets Are “Not a Law of Nature”

It could have been just another gathering of urban idealists, agreeing with each other about how great it would be to have more public space for people, and less for cars. Except last night’s NYC Streets Renaissance event, "A New Vision for the Upper West Side," featured renowned Danish planner Jan Gehl — who, as […]