This Week: Vote! And Buy a Ticket to Our 10-Year Benefit

Only one day to go until this never-ending campaign season wraps up.

If you want a short distraction from election jitters or you need a mental break from calling swing state voters, tickets are on sale for our 10-year benefit, one week from today. Buy a seat to support a great cause and give yourself a brief reprieve from constantly refreshing your favorite poll aggregator.

Monday, November 14 is going to be a special night for Streetsblog and Streetfilms as we celebrate a decade of high-impact media making the case for better walking, biking, and transit.

We’ll have cocktails and dinner at Current, right off the Hudson River Greenway at Chelsea Piers by 18th Street. We’ve got a world-premiere Streetfilm and an all-star lineup of special guests, including…

  • Janette Sadik-Khan, transformative former NYC DOT commissioner and current principal at Bloomberg Associates
  • Gabe Klein, who ushered in a new era of safe, sustainable streets in DC and Chicago

…and a terrific slate of honorees…

  • Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, a strong voice for safer streets and better transit in our city
  • The founders of Streetsblog and Streetfilms – Mark Gorton, Aaron Naparstek, and Clarence Eckerson Jr.

Buy your tickets now and support the next 10 years of Streetsblog and Streetfilms.

On to this week’s Streetsblog calendar highlights:

  • Today: The agenda for the Manhattan CB 6 transportation committee includes: a presentation on the proposed DOT and MTA Greater East Midtown public realm improvements; a DOT presentation on Waterside Plaza bike lane improvements; a presentation by Transportation Alternatives on the 14th Street PeopleWay; and discussions on increasing the number of red light cameras in CB 6, and the Assembly bill for the Move NY toll reform plan. 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday: Vote!
  • Wednesday: The Brooklyn CB 10 transportation committee will take up street conditions in the vicinity of Seventh Avenue and 65th Street and a proposed CityBench installation at 6740 Third Avenue. 7 p.m.
  • Also Wednesday: Join the People First on Atlantic Avenue team to plan the next steps for the Transportation Alternatives Brooklyn Committee Atlantic Avenue campaign. The campaign aims to get the city to make improvements at Times Plaza and continue safety upgrades along the rest of Atlantic, which is one of Brooklyn’s most dangerous corridors for walking and biking. 7 p.m.
  • Thursday: TA hosts the second workshop on planning for a 14th Street PeopleWay — the proposal to prioritize buses, biking, and walking on 14th while L train service is suspended for Sandy repairs. 6:30 p.m. RSVP requested.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.