This Week: Rally for a Grand Street PeopleWay

Brooklyn’s Grand Street is a major connection between Williamsburg and the Williamsburg Bridge, and will be key to moving people across the East River when L train service is disrupted for Sandy-related repairs.

Grand Street is also where Matthew von Ohlen was killed by a hit-and-run driver while cycling last summer.

This week Transportation Alternatives will launch the Grand Street PeopleWay campaign. On Tuesday, TA staff and volunteers will lead a rally at the Brooklyn entrance to the Willy-B bike path, and call on City Hall to prioritize buses, biking, and walking on Grand.

Event highlights below. Check the calendar for full listings.

  • Tuesday: Join the TA rally for a Grand Street PeopleWay. RSVP requested. 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: The Design Trust for Public Space hosts a forum on the future of Penn Station. 7 p.m. Registration required.
  • Thursday: Following the deaths of Jazmine Marin and Navraj Raju, TA and Families for Safe Streets lead a rally near City Hall for mayoral action on safe streets. 6 p.m., exact location TBD — Streetsblog will post final details when available.
  • Also Thursday: DOT hosts the second of two workshops to site bike-share stations in Astoria. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Watch the calendar for updates. Drop us a line if you have an event we should know about.