Eyes on the Street: Bigger Sidewalk, Shorter Crossing at Riverside and 116th


A tipster sent this photo of the sidewalk expansion underway at the corner of Riverside Drive and W. 116th Street in Manhattan. (It’s one of the elements in a DOT safety plan for Riverside that survived after the agency watered down the project at the behest of Community Board 9.)

Once the concrete is poured, the distance to walk across Riverside will be shorter and drivers will have to make slower turns onto 116th around the squared-up corner.

Image: DOT
Image: DOT


DOT Weakened Riverside Drive Plan to Appease Manhattan CB 9 [Updated]

DOT watered down and delayed an already half-hearted plan to make Riverside Drive safer for walking in deference to opposition from Manhattan Community Board 9. Riverside is a neighborhood street, lined by apartment buildings and parks. It also ranks in the top third of Manhattan streets in terms of the number of collisions, which is supposed to mean […]

Eyes on the Street: Ped Improvements Take Shape at Broadway and Dyckman

DOT has begun work on pedestrian improvements at Broadway, Dyckman Street, and Riverside Drive in Inwood. With long crossings that required pedestrians to watch for drivers coming from different directions simultaneously, the five-legged intersection was the site of 128 crashes from 2010 to 2012, according to DOT. Last fall Community Board 12 endorsed a DOT plan for a mix of […]