The Streets Ball Is Next Thursday — Get Your Tickets!

The big annual benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms is coming up next Thursday, November 5 — get your tickets now and support media that makes NYC streets better for walking, biking, and transit.

Streetsblog is an influential news outlet because we have readers who are highly engaged and care deeply about the issues we cover. We also count on our audience to sustain our work. Thanks to your contributions, we can go out and report on the obstacles to safe streets and effective transit in our city — and how to fix them.

Our guests of honor on Thursday will be City Council members Jimmy Van Bramer and Julissa Ferreras, and extraordinary advocates Lizi Rahman and Lisa Sladkus. They’ve all made huge contributions to the effort to tame the city’s most dangerous streets. Come out next Thursday and help us give them a big warm “Thank you!”

The Streets Ball gets started at 7 p.m. at the ADC Gallery on 106 W 29th Street, with bike valet provided by Spinlister. We’ll have great food from Kickshaw Cookery, beer and wine, a silent auction, live music, and the awesome company of hundreds of Streetsblog and Streetfilms supporters. Many thanks to our longtime sponsor, the Law Office of Vaccaro & White, for helping to make this event possible.

Get your tickets here (starting at $50, or $25 for students) and help us spread the word on Facebook. See you Thursday!

— Ben