And Now, Your Bike-to-School Moment of Zen

A snapshot of the morning commute on the first day of school from Doug Gordon, a.k.a. Brooklyn Spoke.

That is all.


School Bus Kills Four-Year-Old Boy in Borough Park

A school bus on Amrom Altman’s block. Image: Google Street View. A yeshiva bus hit and killed a four-year-old boy in Borough Park this morning, the Times reports. According to witnesses, the child, Amrom Altman, was running after his school bus when he slipped on ice. The driver didn’t see Altman and continued to drive […]

Brooklyn P.S. 8: We’re Walking Here!

Over the past few months, Livable Streets Education has worked with schools across New York City on We’re Walking Here NYC. Educators were asked to engage students in an exercise that highlights the importance of safety, healthy choices, walkable streets and sustainable transportation, and to share that message with others. This was the pilot run […]