Sneckdown Fever!

With more than two feet of snow expected to accumulate on NYC streets in the next couple of days, this city is about to get blanketed by nature’s traffic calming. Sneckdown fever won’t be far behind.

To get things started, we’re reposting the classic 2011 Streetfilm that introduced the phrase “snowy neckdown,” a concept that really caught fire last year with the debut of the #sneckdown hashtag.

One thing to keep in mind is that sneckdowns are not at their most photogenic during the snowstorm or immediately afterward. It takes a few days, maybe a couple of weeks, for the asphalt to poke though the snow and ice on the roadbed, delivering the sharp contrast that makes for great sneckdown pics.

Maybe by the weekend the streets will be in peak sneckdown form.

Photo: Clarence Eckerson Jr./BBC