This Week: Bus Lanes in West Harlem, Citi Bike in North Brooklyn

This is the week that Citi Bike expansion starts to ramp up in earnest, with a meeting at Brooklyn Community Board 1 tomorrow about station siting in North Brooklyn. There’s also a key meeting about 125th Street Select Bus Service tomorrow at Manhattan Community Board 10, which has stood in the way of bus lanes west of Lenox Avenue.

Interested in joining your community board? Transportation Alternatives is hosting meetings in the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island to help you get started.

As always, check the calendar for the full slate of events. Here are the highlights:

  • Tuesday: Bus lanes have worked wonders on the eastern half of 125th Street, but there are no bus lanes on the western half (yet) because of opposition from Manhattan Community Board 10 and local elected officials. At this meeting, DOT and the MTA will present data on 125th Street Select Bus Service to the CB 10 transportation committee at 6:30 p.m.
  • Also Tuesday: DOT will update the Brooklyn Community Board 1 transportation committee on the expansion of Citi Bike in Williamsburg and Greenpoint. 6:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: Transportation Alternatives activist committees in three boroughs are hosting meetings to encourage New Yorkers who support better walking, bicycling, and transit to join their local community boards. Meetings are in Queens on Tuesday, the Bronx on Wednesday, and Staten Island on Thursday. All meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: Two Brooklyn community boards are scheduled to vote on street safety upgrades that have cleared their respective transportation committees. At 6 p.m., CB 2 is scheduled to vote on a DOT pedestrian safety plan for Atlantic, Washington, and Underhill Avenues. At 6:30 p.m., CB 6 is scheduled to vote on the proposed Gowanus Greenway connector — a segment of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway that will link Red Hook to Sunset Park via Hamilton Avenue.
  • Also Wednesday: The Bronx Community Board 8 special greenway committee is meeting to discuss ways to build a continuous greenway along the Hudson River waterfront. 7:30 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.