This Week: Get Involved in Woodhaven Boulevard SBS

On Wednesday, DOT will hold a second workshop on Select Bus Service for Woodhaven Boulevard. The chair of the Community Board 9 transportation committee, Kenichi Wilson, told the Queens Courier last week that he opposes dedicated lanes for Woodhaven Boulevard buses, which he said would impede double parking in front of businesses and “create more congestion.” Given that community board opposition and inaction played a significant role in watering down bus improvements on 125th Street in Harlem, it is imperative that advocates of better bus service on Woodhaven get involved in planning this SBS route. Wednesday’s forum starts at 7 p.m. Details are here.

More highlights from this week’s calendar:

  • Tuesday: At a transportation committee meeting for Brooklyn CB 8, DOT will discuss a study for pedestrian improvements on Atlantic Avenue from Ralph Avenue to Vanderbilt Avenue, as well as four proposed bike corrals on Vanderbilt. 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday: The Queens CB 5 transpo committee will take up city bus service, updates on bridge capital projects (specifics here), and traffic safety concerns. 7:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: The Transportation Alternatives Brooklyn Activist Committee, along with dozens of community partners, local leaders, and community boards, will host a Vision Zero street safety forum. Share your local expertise, concerns, and ideas on the best ways to make Brooklyn streets safer for everyone. 6:30 p.m. RSVP requested.
  • Wednesday: Woodhaven Boulevard Select Bus Service forum, concerning corridor design and stop locations along the route. 7 p.m.
  • Also Wednesday: City Council Member Ben Kallos will hold a forum on Upper East Side bike lanes. 6:30 p.m. RSVP requested.
  • Thursday: DOT and NYPD will host a Vision Zero workshop focusing on pedestrian safety in Staten Island. 6:30 p.m.
  • Friday: The City Council transportation committee holds a hearing on proposed legislation to relax alternate-side parking rules and extend the federal transit tax benefit to more NYC commuters. 10 a.m.
  • Friday: Join Council Member Carlos Menchaca and DOT, along with U.S. Representative Nydia Velazquez, State Senator Velmanette Montgomery, and Assembly Member Felix Ortiz, for a discussion of Vision Zero in Red Hook. 7 p.m.
  • Saturday: Join TA at Oye Corona for an interactive outreach day, complete with maps, photo-petitioning, and giveaways, in preparation for the upcoming Corona and Jackson Heights Vision Zero workshop. Noon to 5 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


This Week: Final Two Woodhaven-Cross Bay SBS Workshops

It’s a big week for bus planning, with an update on Utica Avenue Select Bus Service and opportunities to weigh in on SBS plans for Woodhaven and Cross Bay boulevards on tap. Also: check out plans for the Prospect Heights Slow zOne and offer your input on how to improve Mosholu Parkway. Here are the highlights. […]

This Week: Woodhaven Boulevard SBS — The Next Chapter

Select Bus Service on Woodhaven Boulevard will speed up travel times for 30,000 daily bus passengers and bring much-needed safety improvements to one of the city’s most dangerous roads. Because it reallocates street space from cars to buses, the project has met some resistance that prompted DOT to scale back the initial plan. Despite those setbacks, the Woodhaven SBS project […]

This Week: Detailed Designs for Woodhaven Boulevard SBS

Lots of community board action on the calendar this week, with the first look at “block-by-block street designs” for Woodhaven Boulevard Select Bus Service, plus DOT presentations on improvements to the bike network in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Staten Island. Over the weekend, Kidical Mass season kicks off with rides in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Highlights below. Today: […]

This Week: Brooklyn Greenway, Woodhaven SBS, Dollar Vans

This week’s calendar includes community board action in Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan, and a City Council hearing on commuter van legislation. See the highlights below, and check the calendar for complete listings. Tuesday: DDC will present on the Owl’s Head Connector section of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway and EDC will present an update on the city’s […]
The new center roadway bus lane and SBS station on Woodhaven Boulevard just south of Jamaica Avenue. Photo: David Meyer

Select Bus Service Launches on Woodhaven Boulevard

Select Bus Service is live on Woodhaven Boulevard and Cross Bay Boulevard in Queens. As of Sunday, the SBS package - off-board fare collection, camera-enforced bus lanes, and other transit-priority treatments - is speeding trips for tens of thousands of people who ride the Q52 and Q53 each day.

DOT: Full Woodhaven Boulevard Upgrades Coming Sometime Next Decade

DOT and the MTA will roll out enhanced bus service on Woodhaven Boulevard in 2017, but several miles of the promised bus lanes won’t come until the 2020s, agency representatives said yesterday. While DOT says the Woodhaven overhaul will be built, the city is providing no certainty as to when the Department of Design and Construction will complete the street […]