NYPD: 914 Pedestrians and Cyclists Injured, Nine Killed in Traffic in February

Image: NYPD
Image: NYPD

Twelve people died in New York City traffic in February, and 3,077 were injured, according to the latest NYPD crash data report [PDF].

As of the end of February, 22 pedestrians and cyclists were reported killed by city motorists this year, and 2,105 injured, compared to 33 deaths and 2,408 injuries for the same period in 2013. NYPD reported fewer pedestrian and cyclist injuries in February — 914 — than in any other month since January 2012.

Citywide, at least eight pedestrians and one cyclist were fatally struck by drivers: five pedestrians and a cyclist in Brooklyn, and three pedestrians in Queens. Among the victims were Jelani Irving, Martha Tibillin-Guamug, Ruben Rivera, Margarita Seda, Kaneez Hussein, and Gedalia Gruntzweig. At least three seniors were killed by motorists in February: Ruben Rivera, 81; Margarita Seda, 80; and Kaneez Hussein, 73.

Another pedestrian, Stanislav Chernyshov, 73, was struck and killed by a backhoe operator in Brooklyn.

Across the city, 820 pedestrians and 94 cyclists were reported hurt in collisions with motor vehicles. Per NYPD policy, few of these crashes were investigated by trained officers.

Of nine fatal crashes reported by Streetsblog and other outlets, no motorists were known to have been charged for causing a death. Historically, nearly half of motorists who kill a New York City pedestrian or cyclist do not receive so much as a citation for careless driving.

Two motorists and one passenger died in the city in February; 1,028 and 1,135 were injured, respectively.

There were 15,683 motor vehicle crashes in the city last month, including 2,324 that resulted in injury or death.

Download February NYPD summons data here. Crashes are mapped here. Crash and summons data from prior months is available in multiple formats here.

After the jump: contributing factors in injury and fatal crashes.

Image: NYPD
Image: NYPD