First Highlights From de Blasio’s Vision Zero Announcement

Mayor de Blasio is at PS 152 in Queens this afternoon with Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg to discuss the administration’s initiatives to sharply reduce traffic deaths and injuries. We’ll have a full report later today, but here’s what reporter Stephen Miller has broadcast on Twitter so far…

(Note that the Highway Division can issue tickets on surface streets, although historically it has mostly conducted enforcement on highways.)

In a press release, the mayor’s office said the Vision Zero task force will produce “concrete plans” by February 15 to achieve de Blasio’s traffic safety agenda.

So far, this is highly encouraging. For several years now, DOT has been out ahead of other city agencies on traffic safety policy. Now we’re seeing the beginnings of the multi-agency collaboration that will be needed to achieve major, sustained reductions in traffic deaths. More details to come.