Now Arriving on the Brooklyn-Bound Track, the Worst Ad Placement Ever

Whoever convinced Jaguar to buy this ad wrap, spotted by Doug Gordon, is earning his or her salary. I mean, what do the F train and the F-Type have in common, other than the letter F?
Yes, they’re both transportation vehicles. But one costs around $2 per trip while the other starts at $69,000 — plus taxes, license fees, insurance, parking, gas, and maintenance. Seriously, who sees this ad and thinks, “I believe I’ll trade my MetroCard for a $1,500 a month debt load”?
The F train doesn’t have a top speed of whatever, but it can get from 14th Street to Prospect Park with just 12 stops in between. And there’s no battling the horn-honking morass at the toll-free East River bridges.
“Good To Be Bad” — what’s that about? Good to be a bad driver? Good to be bad with money? Hard to tell given the context.
Jaguar can’t seem to settle on a tagline these days, but I notice they didn’t pick “Mark Your Territory” for this one. Maybe that’s because when it comes to getting around NYC — in terms of cost, convenience, and speed — the subway leaves even the most bombastic hot rod in the dust. No lame slogan can change that.