NYPD: 1,384 Pedestrians and Cyclists Injured, 27 Killed in Traffic in November

Thirty-five people died in New York City traffic last November, and 4,692 were injured, according to the latest NYPD crash data report [PDF].
As of the end of November, 161 pedestrians and cyclists were reported killed by city motorists in 2013, and 14,721 injured, compared to 138 deaths and 13,965 injuries for the same period in 2012.
NYPD data indicate that last November was by far the deadliest single month for NYC pedestrians and cyclists since January 2012. Citywide, at least 25 pedestrians and one cyclist were fatally struck by drivers: six pedestrians in Manhattan; eight pedestrians in the Bronx; three pedestrians in Brooklyn; six pedestrians and one cyclist in Queens; and two pedestrians in Staten Island.
Among the victims were Derrick Callendar, Lucian Merryweather, Candida Acosta, Maria Montalvo, Man Chit Cheng, Lin Muang, Olga Rivera, Brian Nowell, Cheikh Mbaye, Vernon Bramble, Willie Zachary, Erik Johnson, Buddhi Thapa, Pedro Lopez, Stella Huang, Marion Anderson, Lizette Serrano, Maria Lucaj, Kalyanarat Ranasinghe, and an unnamed male pedestrian in the Bronx.
Cyclist Christopher Meyer was killed in Brooklyn in a November crash, the cause of which remains unknown.
At least one child and six seniors were killed by motorists in November: Lucian Merryweather, 9; Candida Acosta, 74; Maria Montalvo, 66; Olga Rivera, 65; Willie Zachary, 65; Stella Huang, 88; and Kalyanarat Ranasinghe, 71.
Across the city, 1,104 pedestrians and 280 cyclists were reported hurt in collisions with motor vehicles. Per NYPD policy, few of these crashes were investigated by trained officers.
Of 21 fatalities reported by Streetsblog and other outlets, two motorists were known to have been charged for causing a death in crashes that did not involve alcohol or drugs. Anthony Byrd was charged with assault and homicide for the curb-jump crash that killed Lucian Merryweather, and Henry Lawrence was charged with murder after he allegedly ran over Derrick Callendar intentionally. Historically, nearly half of motorists who kill a New York City pedestrian or cyclist do not receive so much as a citation for careless driving.
Five motorists and three passengers died in the city in November; 1,613 and 1,695 were injured, respectively.
There were 17,749 motor vehicle crashes in the city in November, including 3,443 that resulted in injury or death.
Download November NYPD summons data here. Crashes are mapped here. Crash and summons data from prior months is available in multiple formats here.
Below are contributing factors for crashes resulting in injury and death.