Tonight: CB 10 Committee Set to Vote on Morningside Ave Improvements

Image: NYC DOT

Manhattan Community Board 10 has scheduled a committee vote for this evening on proposed pedestrian improvements to Morningside Avenue in Harlem.

The item appeared on a parks and transportation committee agenda sent out this afternoon. The meeting is set for 6:30 p.m.

DOT has proposed restriping Morningside between 116th Street and 126th Street from two lanes in each direction to one lane in each direction with a center striped median, concrete pedestrian islands and left turn lanes [PDF]. Parking lanes on each side would be widened, allowing space for cyclists and double-parked drivers. At entrances to Morningside Park, on the west side of the avenue, DOT has proposed painted curb extensions in the parking lane. The proposal does not include bike lanes.

The proposal was developed in response to a request from the North Star Neighborhood Association. While there is general agreement that speeding drivers are a major problem on Morningside, Community Board 10 has yet to endorse the city’s plan to make the street safer. Community Board 9 voted in favor of the road diet last month.

DOT is scheduled to make another presentation tonight. A call to the CB 10 office confirmed that the committee is expected to vote on a resolution.

CB 10 has a history of inaction and opposition when it comes to livable streets projects. A solid showing could make all the difference for a safer Morningside Avenue.

Tonight’s meeting starts at 6:30 at 215 W. 125th Street, third floor conference room.