CB 1 Committee Endorses DOT Plan for Tribeca Bike Lanes

Routes with new sharrows and bike lanes are indicated in blue. Work is set to commence north of Canal Street next week. Image: DOT

The Tribeca committee of Manhattan Community Board 1 passed a resolution last week in support of a DOT proposal to add bicycle lanes on Church Street and West Broadway [PDF].

The plan was modified from an earlier version to expand pedestrian space on the triangle between Sixth Avenue, Church Street, White Street, and Franklin Street. The new plan also squeezes in an additional car lane on Sixth Avenue from Walker Street to West Broadway, and moves the bike route from the sidewalk along one block of Varick Street, between Canal and Laight Streets, to a new granite strip proposed for the cobblestone roadway.

The committee passed the resolution last Tuesday by a 5-1 vote. The plan now heads to the full board on September 24. Bike lanes could be complete by the end of this year, with the granite strip installed next year.

DOT says work on street markings that were endorsed by CB 2 as part of the same project — a combination of sharrows and bike lanes that extend north of Canal Street to Washington Square — is scheduled to start next week.

“We continue to work with Community Board 1 on this effort to provide safe bike lane connections between Tribeca and Union Square,” said a DOT spokesperson.


Community Board 1 Endorses Tribeca Bike Routes

By a vote of 29-4-1, Manhattan Community Board 1 last night endorsed a DOT plan to add bike lanes and sharrows on north-south streets in Tribeca [PDF]. DOT plans a combination of buffered bike lanes and shared lanes on Church Street, West Broadway, Sixth Avenue, and Varick Street. The proposal does not call for any protected […]

Manhattan CB 8 Committee Asks DOT for Crosstown UES Bike Lanes

Strong crowd here at @CB8M, every member of the public who spoke was in favor of x-town bike lanes. @transalt pic.twitter.com/91VR7AZfcw — Thomas DeVito (@PedestrianTom) November 4, 2015 Momentum continues to grow for creating crosstown bike lanes on the Upper East Side. In an 11-1 vote with one abstention, the Manhattan Community Board 8 transportation committee […]