Streetsblog’s City Correspondent Has the Skinny on Summer Streets

If you’re looking for summertime recreation, I have just the spot for you. New York’s hottest club is Summer Streets.

Don’t be fooled by the “road closed” signs — they’re actually open for you to walk, bike, scoot or stroll. Inaugurated in 2008 and located on Park Avenue and Lafayette Street from 72nd Street to the Brooklyn Bridge, this ciclovia event is the creation of NYC DOT. Thanks to club promoter Janette Sadik-Khan, this East Side hotspot now connects to a car-free Central Park loop drive north of 72nd Street.

This place has everything: climbing walls, dance performances, mini golf, tai chi, live music, fitness classes, parkour, yoga, a zip line, and Voice Tunnel.

What’s Voice Tunnel? It’s that thing where the city shuts down the Park Avenue tunnel between 33rd and 40th Streets and Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer installs an interactive light and sound exhibition.

The forecast calls for a chance of rain. Summer Streets runs from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will repeat on August 10 and 17.


DOT Has Ruled Out a Crosstown Bike Lane on 72nd Street [Updated]

DOT is studying routes for crosstown bike lanes on the Upper East Side, but it looks like 72nd Street, which could provide a seamless route across Central Park, won’t be one of them. With the arrival of Citi Bike, neighborhood advocates have been pressing DOT to add more crosstown bike connections on the Upper East Side, which […]
Central Park should not be a taxi shortcut. Photo: Simon Alexander Jacob/Flickr

Saturday: Ride for Car-Free Central Park

A car-free Central Park is a popular cause, and advocates have made a lot of progress, but the job's not done yet. Below 72nd Street, car traffic still roars on the West Drive and Terrace Drive on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The Center/East Drive between 6th Avenue and Park South and East 72nd Street is a motor vehicle shortcut on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.