Liu’s Office Outlines Benefits of Investigating All Serious NYC Traffic Crashes

John Liu’s office recently published a brief analysis of the newly-expanded NYPD Collision Investigation Squad. Liu has already proposed increasing the number of NYPD crash investigators, and now Doug Giuliano, senior policy analyst for the comptroller’s office, has put up some more numbers that illustrate how woefully inadequate CIS staffing is.

With 19 investigators, in 2011 the AIS investigated 304 of the 3,192 fatal or serious collisions, for a rate of 16 cases per investigator. At this rate, the AIS would have been only able to review an average of eight percent of the average 3,629 cases per year. With the addition of 10 investigators, the CIS can now review about 13 percent of serious and fatal incidents — an improvement, but still not enough.

To investigate an average of 3,629 serious and fatal accidents each year, the NYPD would need 227 investigators.

Giuliano estimates that it would cost about $12 million to hire 198 additional crash investigators, enough to “review every fatal or serious injury crash.” That figure does not include overtime and other costs associated with an increase in staffing levels, nor does it take into account the potential benefits of investigating all serious crashes. The city could save millions in civil payouts if more evidence were gathered from crash sites, Giuliano says, and more crash site data could be used to improve safety.

“Finally, and most important, more than 13 percent of victims and their families deserve to know the circumstances of fatal and serious crashes,” writes Giuliano. “Expanding the CIS would not only bring peace of mind, but also the evidence necessary to secure justice.”


NYPD Still Doesn’t Investigate All Fatal Traffic Crashes

In 2013, Ray Kelly made the only significant traffic safety policy change in his exceptionally long tenure as police commissioner. Kelly promised to increase the staffing of NYPD’s Collision Investigation Squad — where, at the time, only 19 detectives were assigned to investigate crashes in a city with about 300 traffic deaths and 3,000 serious injuries […]

4 Reforms Michael Ameri Must Make to NYPD Crash Investigations

The Daily News reported Wednesday that Deputy Inspector Michael Ameri, who made street safety a priority as commanding officer of Brooklyn’s 78th Precinct, was promoted to head up the NYPD Highway Patrol — putting him in charge of the Collision Investigation Squad. As Streetsblog has reported in detail, NYPD crash investigation protocols are ripe for […]

Liu: Increase NYPD Crash Investigation Staff Six-Fold

Buried in Comptroller John Liu’s “People’s Budget” proposal released last week (way below the part about bridge tolls that New Yorkers don’t have to pay) is an interesting proposal about NYPD’s crash investigation staffing. With additional revenue, largely from income taxes and the bridge tolls for non-residents, Liu proposes increasing the staff level of the NYPD’s Collision Investigation […]