Viral Anti-Bike Content — The Daily News Is Doing It Wrong

The Wall Street Journal schooled the world on how to generate pageviews with this instant classic of anti-bike insanity starring editorial board member Dorothy Rabinowitz. Approximately 3.4 million websites embedded this video before Streetsblog got around to it, and “Dorothy Rabinowitz” is still rocketing up the Twitter trend chart. Meanwhile, the Daily News posted an addled anti-bike conspiracy theory last night by someone named Jack Brown, and hardly anyone noticed.

There are clearly some lessons here for the tabloids as they seek maximum clickage. First, if you really want to set the internet ablaze, put the anti-bike nutjob on camera. Dorothy Rabinowitz would remain in obscurity today if the Journal had simply printed a crazy screed against bike-share under her byline. Instead she’s a global celebrity thanks to the paper’s multi-media operation. Maybe Jack Brown has the same star potential. We may never know, because the Daily News didn’t put him on camera.

Second, it helps if your crazy anti-bike person has some institutional stature. Dorothy Rabinowitz is on the Wall Street Journal editorial board. Part of the reason her crazy views about bicycling are so captivating is that she’s a bona fide member of the city’s media elite. Jack Brown is just a guy with an acronym (“Coalition Against Rogue Riding” — get it?). To maximize pageviews, the Daily News should put its editorial board members on camera. Really own the anti-bike delusions. Let’s see Arthur Browne rant about the smugness of street safety advocates. People will click on that.

So, that’s the easy advice. Alternatively, the tabloids could get a huge amount of attention while rendering an important public service (and without becoming a global laughingstock). They could take a long, hard look at the crashes that injure and kill New Yorkers every day, and why police are so quick to exonerate reckless drivers based on nothing more than the testimony of the person behind the wheel and his passengers.

Killing with a car is legal in NYC as long as you’re sober and stay at the scene. There is a huge story here just waiting for the tabloids to tell it.


Fox Business Tries and Fails to Capture the Dorothy Rabinowitz Magic

Watch the latest video at <a href=””></a>  Might the talking heads at Fox Business turn their gaze to the Plaza Hotel’s lawsuit against a nearby Citi Bike station and sneer at the frivolous litigation tying up our courts? Not a chance. Watch Dorothy Rabinowitz wannabes Melissa Francis and Fred Tecce spend four and a half […]

Dorothy Rabinowitz vs. Veronica Moss: Which One Is Satire?

Again we have to hand it to the Wall Street Journal: They know link bait when they see it. Having apparently decided that pageview count is more important than credibility, the Journal editorial staff is back for more. Watch as editorial board member and cyclist-hater Dorothy Rabinowitz, buoyed by a star turn on the “The Daily […]

Eyes on the Street: Upper Manhattan’s First Protected Bike Lane in Progress

Reader Jonathan Rabinowitz sent this photo of Upper Manhattan’s first protected bike lane, now under construction on Fort George Hill, a one-way street that connects Dyckman Street in Inwood with Fairview Avenue to the south, along the western border of Harlem River Park. This project will give cyclists a north-south route between Inwood and Washington Heights by allotting 11 feet of […]