Eyes on the Street: Bike-Share Stations Come to Williamsburg

Citi Bike’s rollout to Long Island City, Greenpoint, Williamsburg, and eastern Bedford-Stuyvesant was delayed by damage from Hurricane Sandy. But it looks like bike-share will be establishing a toehold in Williamsburg, with new stations installed in time for the system’s launch, now just one week away.
In December, DOT revealed that flooding damage at Citi Bike’s Brooklyn Navy Yard warehouse had shrunk the initial rollout from 420 stations to 293. Then in April, Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan announced that the recovery from the storm damage was sufficient to launch with 330 stations.

The active Williamsburg stations popped up on the online bike-share maps last week, but it’s not yet clear how many will be installed in the neighborhood before Memorial Day. The Citi Bike website shows four active stations, while DOT’s bike-share map shows nine. We have a request in with DOT about which stations will be ready when.