“No Criminality Suspected” Stencils Spotlight Lack of Traffic Justice

A stencil memorializes Martha Atwater, who was killed when a pickup truck driver jumped the curb and crushed her on the sidewalk in Brooklyn Heights. NYPD said that "no criminality is suspected." Photo: ##http://www.flickr.com/photos/txup/8558703767/in/set-72157632997479421##Time's Up!##

Last night, a group of activists traveled to the sites of eight traffic fatalities and stenciled paint memorials for those who lost their lives walking or biking in crashes for which NYPD declared “no criminality suspected” within hours of the crash. This morning, Time’s Up! led a memorial bike ride to the eight crash sites.

In a plea for justice from Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, the stencil memorials ask, “Why, Ray, Why?”

Memorials were stenciled for:

In all of these cases, NYPD declared there was “no criminality suspected” of the driver. While NYPD has recently modified how it handles crash investigations, results have yet to be seen.