Eyes on the Street: NYPD (?!) Tells Greenpoint Drivers, “No Dooring”

Here’s a welcome sign on the front door to Greenpoint Finest Deli, at the corner of Manhattan and Norman Avenues. The notice, ostensibly from NYPD, reminds drivers and passengers of their obligation to look before opening the door of parked cars. “Summonses will be issued,” the sign warns.
The sign, spotted by Hilda Cohen, would be consistent with the anti-dooring campaign TLC and DOT launched in September.
Bodega employees said that an officer from the 94th Precinct had distributed the sign. Officers on the street couldn’t verify whether the sign came from the precinct or not. Streetsblog has put in an inquiry with NYPD headquarters and the 94th Precinct for more information. We’ll let you know if we hear an update.