Eyes on the Street: Road Collapse Closes Tillary Street Protected Bike Lane

The two-way protected bike lane on Tillary Street in Downtown Brooklyn is blocked. Photo: Trammell Hudson on ##http://www.flickr.com/photos/osr/8475068815/in/photostream/##Flickr##

Tillary Street between Adams Street and Cadman Plaza East is a critical connection for cyclists from Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill and Red Hook to the Brooklyn Bridge, with a protected bike lane separating them from drivers on the extra-wide street.

While the two-way lane has long been a favorite of illegal parkers, for the past week or two it’s been blocked by construction barriers, according to reader Trammell Hudson, who sent in this photo. As a result, cyclists are shunted into a lane of general traffic, and the sudden closure forces some cyclists to ride against traffic approaching the dangerous intersection with Adams Street.

A section of the street collapsed in recent weeks, and while DOT has done some work on the site, more work is needed, according to Gene Corcoran of the U.S. District Court, which is located on this block of Tillary Street. Streetsblog has an inquiry in with DOT to learn more. We’ll let you know if we hear anything.

Update: According to DOT, as of this morning there’s now a bike detour here that separates cyclists from car traffic. The detour will be in effect until DOT and DEP fix the depression in the road.


Jay Street Protected Bike Lane Plan Clears Brooklyn CB 2 Committee

Last night, DOT presented its proposal for a protected bike lane on Jay Street in downtown Brooklyn to the Community Board 2 transportation committee [PDF]. Jay Street is the main approach for the Brooklyn side of the Manhattan Bridge bike path. During a 12-hour weekday period, DOT counted 2,400 cyclists on Jay Street, with bikes accounting for […]

Eyes on the Street: Tillary Street Bike Lane Parking Lot

Ian Dutton, organizer of the Houston Street bike safety initiative, made this brief StreetFilm while riding in the physically-separated bike lane on Tillary Street approaching the Brooklyn Bridge. On his YouTube page, Dutton writes, "I was on my way from SoHo to Park Slope when I saw a most remarkable assemblage of press vehicles in […]

Reimagining Jay Street With Shared Space and Protected Bike Lanes

Jay Street is one of the major north-south spines of Downtown Brooklyn. The street is full of pedestrians near MetroTech, cyclists going to and from the Manhattan Bridge, and buses connecting to nearby subways, but it’s not designed to serve anyone particularly well — except, perhaps, people with parking placards. Double-parked cars constantly obstruct bike lanes […]

Tillary Street: Bike Lane or Parking Space?

Guess what Transportation Alternatives’ Brooke DuBose and Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson found in Downtown Brooklyn’s physically-separated bike lane on Tillary Street this morning? Cars and trucks, of course. Four of them driving, parking or unloading in the "protected" bike lane in just ten minutes of filming. Streetsbloggers who have been debating bike lane design and enjoying Bollard Porn, will appreciate Clarence’s […]