Speak Up for Safer Streets in Brooklyn and the Bronx

This week, there are important DOT workshops concerning major streets in Brooklyn — Fourth Avenue in Bay Ridge and Broadway from Myrtle Avenue to the Williamsburg Bridge. There’s also a community board meeting to reconsider a bike corral the board had already approved.

Also this week: In the Bronx, the MTA will hold a hearing on potential new Metro-North service, and Community Board 8 will hear from DOT on pedestrian access to Williamsbridge Oval Park.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


This Week: Vision Zero Town Halls, Pulaski Bridge Bike Lane

It’s a busy week on the livable streets calendar. Join Vision Zero town hall meetings in Brooklyn and the Bronx, attend community board meetings considering new bike corrals, offer your input about the Jamaica Bay Greenway or Franklin Avenue, and learn about the new protected bike lane on the Pulaski Bridge. Check the full calendar a […]

This Week: Community Boards and Park(ing) Day Are Back

The calendar is packed this week with community board meetings in Manhattan and Brooklyn, a bike-share panel discussion, and on Friday, Park(ing) Day. Check out the full calendar for events not highlighted here. Tuesday: Join TA’s Healthy Streets Solutions workshop to learn how to bring play streets, speed cameras for school zones and other safety improvements to your […]

Community Board 2 Transportation Committee Hearing

The Department of Transportation will present a range of pedestrian and bike improvements to the transportation committee of Brooklyn Community Board 2, including a traffic-calming project for Lafayette Avenue, installation of a bike corral on Court Street between Atlantic and Pacific, and modifications to the Jay Street bike lanes. The Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership will […]

DOT Rolls Out Fort Greene Bike Lanes & Traffic-Calming

Via Brownstoner, the Department of Transportation is building out a nice street redesign project in Brooklyn right now as a part of its Ft. Greene Bike Lane & Traffic Calming Project (download a project description here). Formerly a 70-foot-wide one-way street, Carlton Avenue, above, has been converted to two-way operation with five-foot bike lanes on […]

Brooklyn CB 2 Committee Says Yes to Lafayette Avenue Shared Lane

Last night, Brooklyn Community Board 2’s Transportation and Public Safety Committee voted 8 to 1 (with one abstention) to support DOT’s proposal to install sharrows on Lafayette Avenue between Fulton Street and Classon Avenue. The vote comes after DOT abandoned a bike lane concept in 2010, spurring neighborhood residents to gather 1,400 signatures seeking a […]