This Week: Brooklyn Greenway, How to Join a Community Board

Tired of travesties like the repeated delay of important complete streets projects at Manhattan Community Board 7? Electing City Council members with a strong commitment to safer walking and biking is probably the biggest key to moving things forward, but you can have a more direct impact by getting yourself appointed to your local community board. (The two are related — after all, it’s the electeds who do the appointing.)

In the past few years, fresh voices have made a big difference for livable streets at the community board level, helping to secure votes of support for projects like the First and Second Avenue protected bike lanes. If you live in Manhattan and want to see what it takes to join, head over to Tuesday’s community board info session hosted by Borough President Scott Stringer.

  • Tonight: DOT hosts a public workshop to gather ideas for the proposed George B. Post Plaza at the intersection of Bedford and Broadway by the Williamsburg Bridge. 6:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday: Brooklyn Community Board 2’s transportation committee will hear a presentation from DOT evaluating the Fowler Square plaza as the board considers supporting a capital project to build a permanent space. St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, 6:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday: Learn what Manhattan community boards do and how to apply to join one in 2013 at this info session. 6:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: The first permanent segment in the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway is expected to come up for a vote by the Brooklyn Community Board 1 transportation committee. This is an important one to speak up for: Committee chair Wilfredo Florentino was resistant to the redesign proposed for West Street when the project came up last month. 6:30 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


Looking to Join Your Community Board? TA Makes It Easy to Apply

As Streetsblog readers know, too many community boards care more about on-street parking than street safety or housing affordability, even in districts where the majority of residents don’t own cars. DOT rarely implements safety measures over board objections (which Council Member Ritchie Torres would like to change). While a small number of boards are asking DOT to be more bold with street […]

This Week: Join Your Community Board

Activists looking to get more involved in the fight for livable streets can start off their week tonight with Transportation Alternatives’ Community Board Jammy Jam. Learn how to become a member of your local community board, where pro-transit, bike and pedestrian perspectives can make all the difference for forward-thinking transportation initiatives. Then head over to […]

Tonight: Important Complete Streets Meetings in Manhattan and Queens

Tonight’s a big night for livable streets events, with community board meetings on proposals for Greenwich Village, the Lower East Side, and Long Island City. Plus, join Streetsblog at ARTCRANK if you’re looking for some fun. Key community board meetings tonight are: Manhattan Community Board 2’s transportation committee will consider a resolution requesting that DOT […]

T.A.’s Jammy Jam 2011: Your Community Board Needs You

Even if city transportation staff, empirical data and public opinion are all pointing in the same direction, livable streets projects are notoriously prone to snags at the community board level. When, for example, a neighborhood where 75 percent of residents don’t own cars can muster only a 55 percent vote in support of safer walking […]

Want a Seat on Your Community Board? There’s Still Time.

If you want to join a Manhattan community board and haven’t yet filed an application, you have until tomorrow. Manhattan has the earliest (and by far the most well-publicized) deadline of the five boroughs, so no need to panic if you intend to apply elsewhere. As regular readers know, community boards often represent the front […]