Tuesday: Crucial Event for Safer Streets on the Upper West Side

On Tuesday DOT will update Manhattan Community Board 7 on how the Columbus Avenue bike lane has affected street safety, and discussion is expected to focus on whether to bring protected bike lanes and pedestrian refuges to more of the Upper West Side. While an earlier assessment showed a significant drop in traffic collisions and injuries, the board has shown no inclination to actively extend those gains to other areas.

With DOT largely ceding final say over street redesigns to community boards, a strong showing by residents who want safer streets is critical. CB 7 has yet to endorse redesigns to improve the safety of walking and biking on Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues, and last week tabled a thoroughly vetted plan for bike racks in the district. Tomorrow’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. at Congregation Rodeph Sholom, 7 W. 83rd Street.

Also this week:

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