NYPD Cruiser Hits Cyclist in Fort Greene

Photo: Chad Kellogg

Streetsblog reader Chad Kellogg, a cyclist who lives and works in Fort Greene, came upon this scene earlier today. He writes:

A police car hit a cyclist (who had the right of way) at the corner of Myrtle and Vanderbilt at around 11:40 a.m. this morning. The cyclist was knocked to the ground and injured his elbow and shoulder. His front wheel was crushed under the right front wheel of the car as the car was turning right onto Myrtle. I witnessed the incident from from a very clear vantage point across Myrtle.

FDNY was called to the scene at 11:22. A spokesperson said the cyclist suffered “non-critical” injuries and refused medical attention.

Photo: Chad Kellogg

This crash occurred in the 88th Precinct. To voice your concerns about neighborhood traffic safety directly to Captain Scott M. Henderson, the commanding officer, go to the next precinct community council meeting. The 88th Precinct council meetings happen at 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month at various locations. Call the precinct at 718-636-6526 for information.


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