Is This the Best Transit Ad Ever?

The idea of investing in transit is popular with Americans, even among those who don’t depend on it. But trains and buses, buses in particular, have always had an image problem. U.S. transit providers could take a cue from this Danish ad, which makes light of the mundane nature of bus travel (free handles!) in a way that actually makes transit look “cool.” Turn on the captions for the full effect.

Hat tip to Dani Simons.


Buses and Atlantic Yards

BrooklynSpeaks on Atlantic Yards and Buses: The Atlantic Yards project, despite sitting adjacent to the some of the best transit connections in the city, hasn’t been planned with transit in mind. A real transportation plan would look very different. It would push people away from driving cars that clog the streets by reducing parking on […]

Ads Pitch Pricing Benefits to Transit-Taking Majority

 With the March 31 deadline to qualify for $354M in federal transit funds approaching, the Campaign for New York’s Future and the Empire State Transportation Alliance have rolled out an ad campaign to get the public behind congestion pricing. The three print ads and one TV spot, sponsored by Environmental Defense, direct their audience to […]

Transit Photo Contest Down to Ten Finalists – Time to Vote

The transit photo contest held by the Straphangers Campaign and Transportation Alternatives has moved into the final round. Five finalists have been selected for the photo that most captures New York City’s transit system at its best, and five have been chosen to represent the system at its worst. You can vote for your favorite […]