Eyes on the Street: A Better Willy-B Approach on Clinton Street

A reader sends this shot of the new two-way bike path on Clinton Street, looking south from the Williamsburg Bridge bike path approach on Delancey. Before, Clinton Street had two-way traffic lanes with sharrows, and orange construction barrels blocked bridge access, or at least made it more of a pain if you were biking. The reconfigured bike and car access (northbound drivers can now get onto the Williamsburg Bridge from Clinton, relieving some pressure on the local street grid), is part of the broader Delancey Street safety project that DOT is implementing this summer.

The new treatment extends down to Grand Street, and we hear the green paint went on a couple of days ago. Have a look at what it replaced:

Image: ##http://www.nyc.gov/html/dot/downloads/pdf/2012-02-delancey-slides.pdf##NYC DOT##


Eyes on the Street: A Smoother Approach to the Willy-B

We’ve received a few reports in the past week about construction work on the Manhattan side of the Williamsburg Bridge. DOT’s press office says six bike ramps are being installed, and we hear from observers on the ground that construction is largely complete as of this morning: The bridge approach at Delancey and Clinton Street […]

Safer Bowery, LES Bike Lanes Clear Manhattan CB3 Committee

New bike routes will provide safer connections on the Manhattan side of the Williamsburg Bridge, in an attempt to divert cyclists from Delancey Street. Image: NYCDOT NYCDOT unveiled a slate of pedestrian and bicycle improvements to the transportation committee of Manhattan Community Board 3 last night. Presenters asked for votes on two street safety projects: […]