Detailed Times Poll Numbers Show Broad Bike Lane, Bike-Share Support

Poll numbers from the New York Times show citywide support for bike lanes and bike-share.

More complete numbers are available from the New York Times poll on bicycle lanes and bike-share, and despite what Times reporters might have you believe, they show that bicycling is very much in New York City’s mainstream. (In an earlier version of the online article, reporters Michael Grynbaum and Marjorie Connolly said that “cycling remains far from mainstream in New York.” The phrase has been removed from the updated version.)

Before it’s even opened, 59 percent of adult New Yorkers have heard of Citi Bike, and one in three New Yorkers are somewhat or very likely to use the service, which will cover parts of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Long Island City. The household bike ownership rate stands at 54 percent, higher than the 46 percent of households that own cars. Among individuals whose households do not own bicycles, 62 percent support the city’s bike lanes, with majorities supporting bike lanes in all five boroughs.

UPDATE: DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan welcomed the poll’s results. Citing “five years of careful planning, community consultation and implementation,” Sadik-Khan said that “New Yorkers have spoken, and they like their bike lanes. New York today has the biggest and best bike network in the United States.  It’s satisfying to see the support and demand for a bike-friendly New York that has allowed us to get here.”


Times Poll Confirms: 66 Percent of New Yorkers Like Bike Lanes

Poll numbers released by the New York Times today show that 66 percent of adult New Yorkers think bike lanes are a good idea, joining a growing body of public opinion data that indicates strong local support for bike infrastructure. Just two years ago, the Times noted that “there have been no independent polls of New Yorkers’ attitudes […]

Latest Q-Poll: Bike-Share Even More Popular Than Bike Lanes

After a series of polls showing big majorities of New Yorkers favor expanding the city’s bike lane network, the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute has turned its attention to a wider range of bike issues. It turns out that with 58 percent support, bike lanes aren’t even the most popular bike program the city is undertaking. […]

Marist Poll: Two-Thirds of New Yorkers Support Bike Lanes

A new NY1/Marist poll adds to the public opinion research showing a substantial majority of New Yorkers favor bike lanes. The survey found that 66 percent of adult New Yorkers support bike lanes, a somewhat higher level of support than the 59 percent recorded in a recent Quinnipiac poll. So NYC bike lanes are not […]