Big Public Meeting on North Brooklyn Bike-share Coming Up Tomorrow Night

If you live in North Brooklyn and you’re excited about the impending arrival of bike-share, you don’t want to miss the Community Board 1 meeting tomorrow evening. DOT will be presenting its revised bike-share station siting plan for Williamsburg and Greenpoint, and it would be a mistake to assume that everything will work out on its own.

When DOT went to Brooklyn CB 1 with a preliminary station map in May, board members objected to the loss of about a dozen car parking spaces, according to the Brooklyn Paper. The fact that they would be getting hundreds of bike-share docks in return didn’t seal the deal for them.

So don’t take anything for granted. Even though North Brooklyn is a largely car-free area where many people live quite far from the subway (i.e. prime bike-share territory), we’re still talking about the district that sustained NYC’s most notorious bike lane freakout of the pre-NBBL era — the Kent Avenue saga. Tomorrow’s meeting is where you can put all your well-honed arguments about the benefits and efficiency of bike-share compared to car parking to highly productive use.

To testify tomorrow, you have to sign in at the meeting by 6:15 p.m. Here’s where to go:

Swinging 60s Senior Center
211 Ainslie Street by Manhattan Avenue