Big Public Meeting on North Brooklyn Bike-share Coming Up Tomorrow Night

If you live in North Brooklyn and you’re excited about the impending arrival of bike-share, you don’t want to miss the Community Board 1 meeting tomorrow evening. DOT will be presenting its revised bike-share station siting plan for Williamsburg and Greenpoint, and it would be a mistake to assume that everything will work out on its own.

When DOT went to Brooklyn CB 1 with a preliminary station map in May, board members objected to the loss of about a dozen car parking spaces, according to the Brooklyn Paper. The fact that they would be getting hundreds of bike-share docks in return didn’t seal the deal for them.

So don’t take anything for granted. Even though North Brooklyn is a largely car-free area where many people live quite far from the subway (i.e. prime bike-share territory), we’re still talking about the district that sustained NYC’s most notorious bike lane freakout of the pre-NBBL era — the Kent Avenue saga. Tomorrow’s meeting is where you can put all your well-honed arguments about the benefits and efficiency of bike-share compared to car parking to highly productive use.

To testify tomorrow, you have to sign in at the meeting by 6:15 p.m. Here’s where to go:

Swinging 60s Senior Center
211 Ainslie Street by Manhattan Avenue


Citi Bike Releases Map of Williamsburg and Greenpoint Expansion

Here’s some eye candy for the weekend — a map of Citi Bike’s expansion into northern Brooklyn. This map was submitted to Community Board 1 and obtained by the Brooklyn Paper. There are 53 stations planned for Williamsburg and Greenpoint. Unlike the Citi Bike phase two expansion areas in Manhattan and Queens, which are starting […]

Protected Bike Lanes Coming to Washington Heights After CB 12 Vote

Washington Heights will get protected bike lanes and major pedestrian upgrades after Manhattan Community Board 12 endorsed a DOT proposal last night. Sections of 170th Street, 158th Street, and Edgecombe Avenue will get protected bike lanes, and pedestrian crossings will be improved on Edgecombe Avenue and at the complex intersection of 158th Street, Riverside Drive, and Edward Morgan Place […]

Eyes on the Street: Bike-Share Stations Come to Williamsburg

Citi Bike’s rollout to Long Island City, Greenpoint, Williamsburg, and eastern Bedford-Stuyvesant was delayed by damage from Hurricane Sandy. But it looks like bike-share will be establishing a toehold in Williamsburg, with new stations installed in time for the system’s launch, now just one week away. In December, DOT revealed that flooding damage at Citi […]

Manhattan Bike Lanes, Brooklyn Bike-Share, City Bike Law

Coinciding with the beginning of spring, this week’s calendar is all about the bikes. DOT will unveil plans for the northward expansion of Eighth and Ninth Avenue bike lanes, while there are three bike-share events on tap in Brooklyn. The week is capped by a session on bike laws with attorney Steve Vaccaro. Tuesday: TLC […]