Eyes on the Street: Small Touches Make for Safer Windsor Terrace Crossing

New paint and flexible posts made this traffic island at Prospect Park Southwest into a place pedestrians might actually stop mid-crossing.

An enthused Windsor Terrace resident sends this photo of an upgraded intersection at the corner of Prospect Park Southwest, Terrace Place, and Windsor Place. Over the last week, DOT has touched up what was once a widely-disregarded traffic island comprised of faded white paint. Now the island has been repainted with a high-visibility surface and surrounded with flexible posts for added definition.

The geometry of the intersection hasn’t changed, but the quality of walking here sure has. Our tipster says cars used to whip around the corner when turning left from Prospect Park Southwest at the complicated three-way intersection; with the improvements to the island, pedestrians can cross much more comfortably. An image of what the intersection used to look like is below:

Image: ##http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Prospect+Park+Southwest,+New+York,+NY&hl=en&ll=40.656359,-73.973828&spn=0.002177,0.004737&sll=40.71954,-73.999548&sspn=0.008701,0.018947&oq=prospect+park+south&t=h&hnear=Prospect+Park+Southwest,+Brooklyn,+Kings,+New+York&z=18&layer=c&cbll=40.656246,-73.973795&panoid=VA35AKIk8D0Nruwpa3IIyQ&cbp=12,329.29,,0,13.66##Google Street View##


Community Boards Step Up Opposition to Car-Free Prospect Park

Car-free park advocates deliver 10,000+ letters of support to City Hall. Two weeks ago, the Prospect Park Youth Advocates delivered 10,000 signatures to City Hall asking for a three-month car-free trial. Now Community Boards 7 and 14, as well as a group called the Windsor Terrace Alliance, are demanding that the park remain open to […]

DUMBO Street Upgrades: Big Curb Expansions + Contraflow Bike Lane

DUMBO, where NYC DOT launched its public plaza program more than seven years ago, is set to get more pedestrian space as the city expands sidewalks and reworks oddly-shaped intersections beneath the Manhattan Bridge. The project also includes a contraflow bike lane to improve connections from DUMBO to the Manhattan Bridge, Jay Street, and Downtown […]

Jim Brennan: “Objective Assessment” Must Precede Prospect Park Trial

Following up on other car-free parks news, last week Assembly Member Jim Brennan joined the chairs of Brooklyn Community Boards 7 and 14 in calling for an Environmental Impact Statement before any trial program to remove car traffic from Prospect Park. In this tipster-submitted constituent letter, Brennan rationalizes his position. Nothing says "fact-based public process" […]