This Week: Vacca Q&A, Bike-Share Planning, Park Smart for LIC

Tomorrow’s a packed day on the Streetsblog calendar, starting with a morning event at NYU’s Rudin Center with City Council Transportation Committee Chair James Vacca. Wondering how Vacca intends to keep the pressure on NYPD to reform its crash investigation protocols? Or how the council member squares his public stances on street safety with his legislation adding red tape for street safety projects? Or what’s up with all the parking bills? Tuesday morning is your chance to ask.

This is also a big week for bike-share planning, with Manhattan Community Board 3 and Brooklyn Community Board 2 hosting public workshops to discuss where public bike stations should go.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


James Vacca, NIMBY Accomplice

So we’ve gone through the initial round of coverage and reactions to Wednesday’s bike-share announcement. Mixed in with a healthy amount of fairly straightforward reporting, there were the predictable slants. The Brooklyn Paper went in search of controversy. The Post and the Daily News editorial boards fantasized about dismemberment and death. Perpetual Soho crank Sean […]

Vacca Watch: Transpo Chair Stokes Fears of Phantom Bike Lanes on NY1

To borrow from the Wall Street Journal’s Jason Gay, this NY1 segment starring City Council Transportation Chair James Vacca seems to come straight out of the “shrill and embarrassing” early 2011 phase of NYC bike coverage. Once reporter Michael Herzenberg intones in his best investigative journalist voice that “believe it or not, many of the […]

Vacca Looks to Squeeze $ From Bikes, But Won’t Touch the Price of Parking

The headline from today’s City Council transportation committee oversight hearing was Janette Sadik-Khan’s announcement that the official launch date for Citi Bike is Memorial Day. Meanwhile, for Transportation Committee Chair James Vacca, it was another occasion to flail at bikes and defend cheap parking under the guise of holding a budget hearing. Sadik-Khan kicked off the hearing […]