Where to Go for Traffic Justice Rally at Noon Today

Last week Matthew Lefevre was killed by a hit-and-run truck driver while biking in East Williamsburg. According to the wisps of information NYPD has released about the case, it seems that police exonerated the driver based only on his own explanation — that he never saw Lefevre or noticed he’d run him down.

At noon today, members of Lefevre’s family will join Transportation Alternatives and Neighbors Allied for Good Growth to call for Ray Kelly’s police department to uphold traffic laws. The event is open to the public and anyone who wants to tell NYPD that street safety matters can attend. The blue dot marks the approximate spot, between the Municipal Building and NYPD headquarters, where the rally will take place.


DMV Suspends License of Driver Who Killed Mathieu Lefevre for Six Months

The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles found the truck driver who killed Brooklyn cyclist Mathieu Lefevre responsible for the collision and suspended his driver’s license for six months. Leonardo Degianni’s DMV safety hearing took place on March 2, three-and-a-half years after he hit Lefevre at the intersection of Morgan Avenue and Meserole Street. At […]

Justice for Mathieu Lefevre

Change is afoot at the New York Department of Motor Vehicles. Following a meeting with advocates for crash victims, the DMV scheduled safety hearings to determine whether three drivers who caused fatal crashes would lose their licenses. The first of the three — concerning the death of three year-old Allison Liao — saw several welcome improvements […]

NYPD Denies Access to Confiscated Bikes, Including Those of Crash Victims

As seasoned observers of the department’s dealings with bicyclists know, NYPD has long enjoyed taking our bikes. Following the 2004 Republican National Convention, NYPD clipped locks and took bikes of persons suspected of associating with Critical Mass, resulting in a successful federal lawsuit that enjoined the practice as a constitutional violation. During a 2010 visit […]