Park(ing) Day 2011: Find Your Favorite Park(ing) Spot

The forecast is sunny and seasonable for Park(ing) Day 2011 here in New York City, so get ready to enjoy the annual celebration of the public spaces that are our neighborhood streets. At 34 locations in all five boroughs, New Yorkers will be taking over curbside parking spaces with installations that are by turns relaxing, playful, political and creative.

Some of the parking spaces will be used to showcase visions for even bigger changes to the transportation system. “Out With The Sheridan Distress-Way” will be found on the Bronx’s Southern Boulevard between Aldus Street and E. 163rd, while a “Vision of a North Shore Waterfront Greenway” will sit at the intersection of Bay Street and St. Mark’s Place on Staten Island. The “parking (e)scape” set up by Columbia urban planners on Broadway between 113th and 114th Streets sounds restful. “WonderWander,” found on Amsterdam Avenue between 83rd and 84th, is just plain intriguing. The full list can be found here for those looking for a nearby spot.

Park(ing) Day isn’t just a New York City celebration, or even an American one. The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, for example, is participating in Park(ing) Day projects in Buenos Aires and Rosario, Argentina; Bogotá, Columbia; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Ahmedabad, India; Jakarta, Indonesia; and Mexico City. We’ll be bringing you the best park-ins from around the globe tomorrow, so stay tuned.


Shakespeare In The Park(ing) Spot

In New York City, some of the most active participants in Park(ing) Day, the celebration of on-street public space, are students. The largest street reclamation I saw today was put on by Fordham undergraduates, who converted what looked like three parking spaces into a stage and auditorium for a day of Shakespeare In The Parking […]

Want a Park(ing) Day Spot? 50 Spaces Now Available.

Mark September 19 on your calendars. That’s when Park(ing) Day returns to New York. Last year, neighborhood groups all over the city got into the street reclamation groove, converting 25 parking spots into temporary parks. Park(ing) Day 2008 figures to be even more visible. Fifty spots will be set aside to show how public street […]

Park(ing) Day is Coming

Depressed about the direction Mayor Bloomberg’s congestion pricing plan is heading? Cheer yourself up by starting to plan for Park(ing) Day 2007. Friday, September 21 is the day when urban dwellers the world over pop quarters into parking meters and take over on-street spaces, temporarily transforming them into miniature parks, playgrounds, cafés and community spaces. […]

Streetfilms: Park(ing) Day San Francisco

Park(ing) Day San FranciscoA Clarence Eckerson StreetfilmRunning time: 6:51 – 22.05 MB, QuickTime New York City Streets Renaissance Filmmaker Clarence Eckerson happened to be in San Francisco on Thursday during International Park(ing) Day. Organized by an art collective called Rebar Group, the idea behind Park(ing) is to reclaim curbside automobile parking spaces by temporarily transforming […]

Belated Park(ing) Day Parking Spot Squat in Brooklyn

Three weeks ago, people all around the country — including nearly two dozen groups in New York City — took part in National Park(ing) Day, a nationwide effort to transform public on-street parking spaces into mini-parks and community gathering places. Park Slope Neighbors intended to take part, but their team was quickly asked to move […]

PARK(ing) Day

PARK(ing) Day is September 21, 2006 REBAR opened eyes worldwide by temporarily transforming a metered parking spot into a PARK. We reclaimed the street for people…at least until the meter ran out! Now the challenge is up to you. REBAR, with support from The Trust for Public Land (TPL) wants you, the most creative minds […]