Eyes on the Street: Lower Manhattan Bikeways Get More Rideable

Cyclists can now use bike lanes on the Pike Street median while construction continues on the pedestrian space and landscaping. Photo: ##Jacob-uptown http://www.flickr.com/photos/7995989@N03/5986200570/##via Flickr##

Last week we highlighted the construction underway on the upgraded bike lane and pedestrian space along Allen Street. Just a bit further south, the bikeway portion of the project is already open along Pike Street south of Madison Street. Streetsblog reader Jacob-uptown snapped some great pics of the new lanes and the ongoing work. As his shots show, the new design provides lots of space for cyclists and pedestrians alike and will bring a line of greenery through the neighborhood.

In mid-July, the lack of physical separation between this bike lane and the street led to constant blockage by parked cars. Photo: ##http://www.flickr.com/photos/7995989@N03/5986200052/##Jacob-uptown via Flickr##

Jacob also found some welcome improvements at the new two-way bike lane along South Street. When Streetsblog attended the opening of the new East River Waterfront Esplanade, the on-street bike lane was blocked by cars, buses, and NYPD vehicles. Now, however, orange barrels keep motor vehicles from intruding where they’re not supposed to be.

If you have some photos you want to share, tag them “Streetsblog” on Flickr to get our attention. More pics after the jump.

As Pike Street hits the East River under the Manhattan Bridge, separate bike and pedestrian spaces will merge into a shared-use path in the center of the street. Photo: ##http://www.flickr.com/photos/7995989@N03/5985640761/##Jacob-uptown via Flickr##
Another view of the open but still incomplete bike lane along Pike Street. The bike lane curves away from the traffic lane at intersections to give pedestrians space to wait before crossing traffic. Photo: ##http://www.flickr.com/photos/7995989@N03/5986200570/##Jacob-uptown via Flickr.##


Eyes on the Street: Un-Plowed Bikeway on Parks Department Turf

Most of NYC’s bridge paths and protected bikeways seem to have been cleared well in the aftermath of this week’s snowstorm, judging by the lack of snowed-in bike lane photos in the Streetsblog inbox. It’s a different story on Parks Department turf. This stretch, flagged by commenter BBnet3000 yesterday morning, is the center median bikeway on […]

Eyes on the Street: A Safer, More Sociable Boulevard Takes Shape

A reader sends this view of Pike Street, taken from the Manhattan Bridge bike path late last week. You’ll notice the square of light pavement connecting two mall segments. That’s the intersection with Monroe Street, one of four locations slated for pedestrian plazas in DOT’s most recent plan for Pike and Allen Streets [PDF]. A […]

Tonight: Support Major Ped and Bike Improvements at CB3 Meeting

Pedestrian plazas would reclaim six intersections connecting the Allen and Pike Street malls. Apologies for the last-minute heads up, but livable streets supporters in Chinatown and the Lower East Side won’t want to miss this action at Community Board 3 tonight. A DOT project to expand pedestrian space and add center median protected bike paths […]